In the wake of COVID-19 most of us have been forced into our homes. This isolation and disconnection from our families and friends can make us feel powerless. We are not!

At Multiplying Good we're pushing our mission forward with Service From Your Sofa – projects to support those most impacted by the coronavirus that you and your families can easily do from the safety of your home.

All Service From Your Sofa projects come from our partners, the communities in which we work, past Jefferson Award recipients, and youth leaders.

Download a project today! Now is not the time to be paralyzed by fear! Service reconnects people to communities, building connections, and networks of support. We need each other now more than ever. 

  • 3 Family Fun Projects, let kids lead the way and ease boredom and help others 
  • Love Letters for Literacy, learn how this literacy project can be used to bring joy and hope to those who need it most 
  • Timeslips brings joy to elders and their care partners

Click here to download the toolkit for the project (s) of your choice. 



Do you have a service project that can be activated from home and meets immediate needs caused or deepened by the coronavirus? If so, share it with us for consideration as part of Service From Your Sofa!