Justice Marshall spoke these words in 1992, nearly 30 years ago. The tragedy is they could have been said today. 

Hate has no place here – not on our streets, not in our schools and not in our communities. Multiplying Good was founded on the belief that through service to others, we can build Justice Marshall’s bridges – and eradicate racial inequality. 

Multiplying Good stands by all who are grieving, by those living in fear because of the color of their skin and united with those driving towards peaceful and necessary change. We will lean further into our mission to empower generations of empathetic leaders and changemakers, with learning fundamentally rooted in the embrace of difference and in the understanding that we all have a role to play to root out systemic injustice, anger, fear, and hate.

In the coming weeks and months, we will foster space for deeper understanding, empathy, and commitment to service – and to each other. We will also celebrate those whose acts of bravery and kindness remind us of the changes we want to see. It is our hope, and our mission, to learn how to multiply good together.